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Rachel Weatherly, May 12 2023

I am the executor of an estate, will I get paid?

In most circumstances, executors do not get paid to administer an estate. 

Exceptions to this would be as follows:

Under Section 70(1) of the Administration and Probate Act 1919, the Supreme Court may allow to any executor, administrator, or trustee, whether of the estate of a deceased person or otherwise, such commission or other remuneration out of the estate or trust property, and either periodically or otherwise, as is just and reasonable.

An executor wanting to receive a commission should keep detailed records of all work undertaken as executor.

In our next article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of including a testamentary trust in your Will.

Written by

Rachel Weatherly

Older What are my responsibilities as an executor of a Will?
Newer What is a Testamentary Trust and what are the advantages of having one in your Will?