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Rachel Weatherly, March 20 2020

Covid-19 Update

Dear valued clients

We understand there are many concerns around COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and wish to reassure you that the protection of our clients, staff and broader community is our highest priority.

As part of precautionary measures to combat the spread of the COVID-19 public access to almost all floors in our building are restricted and access to our office on Level 2 is restricted.

What this means for our clients?

We can continue to meet clients at our office premises. When an appointment is made, upon confirmation we will provide you with a telephone number to call when you are in the foyer of the building.  A staff member will come and meet you and escort you to our office.

Should you prefer not to meet in person, we are now offering additional telephone appointments and we are introducing Skype appointments. If you wish to book a Skype appointment, upon confirmation we will provide you with the appropriate Skype account to call.

As almost all of our communication with clients is by email or telephone, if for any reason we are unable to work from our office premises, we will be more than capable of continuing to work from home.

Court matters

There have been some major changes as to how the Courts are hearing matters.  In the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia most hearings will now be attended by telephone. Should your matter be affected by these changes, we will contact you closer to the Court hearing date to provide you with further advice and instructions.

Should you have any further concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Written by

Rachel Weatherly

Older PART 5: Separation and Property Division - The four step process (Family Law) - 5 Part Series
Newer The divorce and property settlement process