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Rachel Weatherly, December 17 2019

PART 5: Separation and Property Division - The four step process (Family Law) - 5 Part Series

Step 4 – What is fair and equitable to both parties in the circumstances?

The final step is to determine whether the outcome of any property division is fair and equitable to both parties.

This will be assessed having regard to the circumstances of each party as outlined in Steps 2 and 3.

Overall the main considerations of the Court when considering the division of assets are the contributions of the parties, their future needs, with an attempt to maintain the lifestyle the parties have been accustomed to, and to ensure (where possible) the ongoing care and provision for any children (if applicable) of the parties.

Should you require any assistance with your property settlement or simply require some initial advice, please feel free to contact us for your first half hour free appointment.

Written by

Rachel Weatherly

Older PART 4: Separation and Property Division - The four step process (Family Law) - 5 Part Series
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